I was so proud of myself in second grade, wow I’m so great! Don’t mean to brag. I got a card from the principal, but Mr.Collins let me out of class and said “ give this to you parents ok?” I was like uh oh it’s gonna be bad. I got home and my parents were proud. I was like what is happening? They told me that I have a conference tonight. and as I was leaving my house, anxious to figure out what was happening and why I’m getting involved with this. Why am I going to a conference, and why do I have to dress fancy? I got to the place waiting for something to happen, and something did happen. They announced my name “ Brianna Castro” I came up to the stage and got a reward. I actually got two when the rest got one! My teacher thought I was really smart, and she said I tried really hard on my work so she wrote me this letter. “Brianna is the kind of student that a teacher wants in their classroom. Always ready, always prepared, and always gives 110% on any given learning opportunity. Brianna takes her learning very serious” and all that. Theres more, but I’m tired of reading off of the picture on my phone. This is true, but I have the picture they gave me on my phone so yaaa:)
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